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Sunday, January 23, 2011

Kinds of Expressions in English

Macam-Macam Ungkapan Dalam Bahasa Inggris
Kinds of Expression in English

Ada beberapa ungkapan yang dipelajari pada tingkat SMA/MA kelas XI. Berdasarkan KTSP, inilah beberapa ungkapan yang dipelajari pada kelas XI SMA/MA

Semester 1:
Expressions of giving and asking for opinion
Expressions of satisfaction and dissatisfaction
Expressions of advice and warnings
Expressions of someone fulfilling request
Expressions of relief, pain and pleasure

Semester 2:
Expressions of attitude (giving opinion, agreement and disagreement)
Expressions of love
Expressions of sadness
Expressions of anger, embarrassment and annoyance
…………………………………………………… ……………………………

• What do you think of …?
• What are your views?
• What’s your opinion?
• Is it right what I have done?
• What about …..?
• How about ….?
• I’m convinced that …..
• I reckon ….
• I consider that ….
• According to the expert, I …
• In my opinion …
• I think …

Example Expressions of giving and asking for opinion

X : what do you think of SMAN 1 Cimaragas?/
Y : I think SMAN 1 Cimaragas is good. It has enough facilities, professional teachers, and many other. How about you?
X : yea…I think so.

• I’m satisfied with …
• I’m satisfied at …
• I’m glad with what you’ve done.
• It’s really satisfying.
• I’m not satisfied with …
• It’s not very nice …
• It’s really not good enough.
• I’m dissatisfied by ….
• Oh no.

Example Expressions of satisfaction and dissatisfaction

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