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English Final Test Lattice 2011

English Final Test Lattice of the first Semester
Kisi – kisi UAS Ganjil 2011/2012

For all student class XI IPA/IPS of Senior High School 1 Cimaragas, here are the lattices of UNEVEN FINAL TEST 2011/2012.

Expression of giving and asking for opinion
A : What do you think about SMAN 1 Cimaragas?
B : I think SMAN 1 Cimaragas is good enough.
Expression of Satisfaction & Dissatisfaction
A : I’m satisfied to have friend like you, but there a bit dissatisfied about you.
B : Thanks friend, but what make you feel dissatisfied about me?
1.      Present Tense
2.      Present Perfect Tense
Genre: - Report text

-  Analytical text
Report: Open your packet page 12 or your LKS page 7.
Analytical: Open your packet page 35 or your LKS page 40.
Expression of asking for and giving advice
A : The better you look after your cat seriously.
B : Yes, I will.
Active & Passive Voice
Active : He plays ball.
Passive: Ball is played by him.

Prepare yourself at the beginning time, in order you can pass the final exam. Study the whole of the materials above and make sure that you understood about them. So you will confident and will not worry to face the test.                                  

Give your comment on the comment space (pada Page Komentar Siswa, WAJIB)


Good luck and May God Always Attend us all, Aminnnnn……


  1. Assalamu'alaikum wr wb.

    pak kenapa tidak ada direct dan indirect di kisi-kisi UAS

    wassalamu'alaikum wr wb

  2. @FMARDESIANA: Kalo mau nanti ditambahkan...

  3. Terimakasih Pak Kisi-kisi bhs inggrisnya...

  4. Ulfa Nurfalah :

    Hopefully we can do the test well Sir .

  5. Hopefully we can do the test well Sir .


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